Wednesday, July 27, 2005


So, I've been looking around this so called blog place. From what I've seen, the people who write these things are either nuts, lonely, or stupid. This brings a tough decision to make; do I continue with the blog or do I stop now and never look back? Well, since I'm not nuts, or lonely, and as far as I know, I'm not stupid, I don't seem to fit in this blogger's world. First instinct would say, "Go! Get out of here while there's still time! Leave me, save yourself!" Second instinct would say, "Let's sneak out the back way, no one will see us that way, and we can still get out of here without spending any money." After listening to these guys, I've decided to do something completely out of instinct. I'm going to be the first sane, gregarious, intelligent blogger on the entire internet! Victory will be mine, and no one can stop me! Ha ha ha!

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