Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Finally a place to post my deepest thoughts and greatest desires. To be honest, I don't really know how a blog works, or what it is for. Why not just write a word document? I bet it's for the templates, yeah, that's got to be it. But I trail off, where was I? Oh yes, deepest thoughts and greatest desires. Deep thought... isn't that the name of some computer or something? It seems like I remember that from somewhere. Was that the computer from that Douglas Adams book? I think so. Hmm... greatest desires... alas, my love is far away, approximately one hundred miles as the crow flies. I shall see her soon, Friday. I think rambling is good for a blog, it seems to be working for me anyhow. Wait until everyone sees this, or will they? Is this public or private? I don't know, maybe its in that settings tab at the top of this page. Well, the time I'm killing by doing this is almost at an end, but I could very well have more today to say. Peace out as the homies would say. Oh John Cina, will you ever learn?

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